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Category: General

Smart Irrigation Matters – Here’s Why
Read More:Smart Irrigation Matters – Here’s WhyBenefits of Hiring A Professional Landscape Company
Read More:Benefits of Hiring A Professional Landscape CompanyGrass seed mix for cool-season climates.
Choosing the right seed is important – make sure to get high quality grass seed, not all seed is guaranteed to be 99.99% weed-free. This will save you time when you make a purchase of high-quality grass seed thus creating less work. You can spend more time enjoying your lush green lawn versus …
Read More:Grass seed mix for cool-season climates.4 Benefits of landscape lighting
Long gone are the days of packing up and heading inside once the sun has set. Landscape Lighting is a great way to light up your outdoor space and create a warm, and welcoming outdoor space for you to enjoy by yourself, with family, friends and more. Spend more time enjoying your outdoor …
Read More:4 Benefits of landscape lightingChoosing the right shovel
We all know the feeling when we see a snow storm in the forecast, the preparation needed for the cold and shoveling the snow. Knowing the feeling of clearing through your property and being completely drained of energy and being sore. Did you know most snow shoveling related injuries occur from …
Read More:Choosing the right shovelSnow Shoveling Safety Tips
When it comes to shoveling snow there is a physical factor as it takes a lot of energy and strength to clear snow. Warming up your muscles is a great way to start before even going outside. This can be through light movements, stretches, walking on the spot, etc. Pushing the snow is a great…
Read More:Snow Shoveling Safety Tips2022 AWARDS OF EXCELLENCE WINNER
We are proud to announce that we have received Awards of Excellence from Landscape Ontario for an Irrigation Project we completed over the summer of 2021, Along side 2 other awards for our marketing efforts.
Read More:2022 AWARDS OF EXCELLENCE WINNERLawn Watering Tips
Watering your lawn is an important part of keeping it healthy, green and thriving. It is important to know when you should be watering, how long you should be watering and how often you should be watering to keep from overwatering your lawn and causing more harm than good. All lawns are unique and …
Read More:Lawn Watering TipsWorld Water Day 2022
The United Nations has said “This years theme ‘groundwater’, draws attention to the hidden water resource that has always been critically important but not fully recognized in sustainable development policymaking.” The “groundwater” theme touches many areas as it plays a vital role in drinking …
Read More:World Water Day 2022Why you should have a rain sensor
Watering your landscape helps to maintain a healthy, vibrant, and thriving environment. Over watering can have negative effects on your landscape, pocketbook and wastes water. A rain sensor is a device that communicates with your irrigation controller. When enough rain falls, the sensor absorbs …